In Padua and Modena the first experiences. Starbucks is also preparing for the adventure…
Industry, transportation and health care are the most promising fields for the evolution of high-speed infrastructure and services…
The hotel is small and features latest-generation technology by Chinese manufacturer Oppo…
Thanks to a new function, the platform can independently identify the right language among the 88 it features…
Culture and innovation developed by architects, engineers, programmers, computer animators, mathematicians, musicians and experts in visual technology…
Set for the year 2020 the first operation that will make it possible to send data to the platform through a chip in the brain…
At Trezzo sull’Adda, 5 avatars explain everything about energy. Sustainability and innovation to enhance the heritage. Interaction design by DotDotDot, storytelling by Storyfactory…
When a start-up brings added value to an established retail giant…
A pilot project to monitor the impact of fashion on the environment using data analytics and machine learning…
The Norwegian multi-brand is selling a collection of clothing to be worn digitally, thanks to post-production in a digital dressing room…